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Artist's Name

Black American Artists' Alliance of Richmond

Below are detail views of the artist's work. Click on image to see the entire piece of artwork. Use the arrows to browse through the gallery of works.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

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Kyle Epps is a Richmond-raised creator expressing the lives and experiences of Americans in an array of mediums and styles. Starting as a performance painter in 2006 the artist learned to connect word with image and emotion to gesture at spoken word events along the United States east coast. Graduating from VCU Communication Arts in 2008, his performance career expanded delivering positive hip-hop messages at celebrations such as Richmond’s Juneteenth Festival and Virginia Tech’s Homecoming. The experience touring and merchandising as an indie artist fueled cross-platform explorations, while long hours in recording studios honed different techniques for communication. Working with VCU Health Systems, USDA Extensions, and Virginia educational providers this expanding knowledge is shared with demographics of all ages and backgrounds.


Now based in Highland Springs, Virginia, just outside the state’s capital, the artist manages a healthy habit of agricultural and environmental studies while continuing to create with intent and passion. Collectors can view studio, live, and en plein air works for purchase on exhibit, tour or at scheduled viewings. With the support of spouse, Koren, and studio assistants-daughters, Aurora and Amina, a body of sound art and prints are made available online at


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